KENT - Anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan would like to see today's college students become more active against the war in Iraq.
``I wish college students cared enough about what's going on in Iraq and our country to be as committed as the students were in 1970,'' Sheehan said in an interview an hour before she was to address a crowd at Kent State University on the 37th anniversary of the Kent State shootings.
Sheehan, 49, whose son Army Specialist Casey Sheehan was killed in Iraq in 2004, said she does not wish for any protest to become violent, but she said, ``I think we need a new revolution.''
The annual event marks the killing of four students and wounding of nine others by Ohio National Guardsmen during an anti-war protest on the campus.
Student Kara Kear, 19 of Toledo, a freshman studied for finals as she waited for the program to begin.
``It's important to be involved with May 4th activities and to remember all the people whose lives were lost,'' she said.
She said she's sorry there aren't more members of her generation who would do what the students of 1970 did.
The Sheehan event drew a crowd of several hundred.